
Wedding dress preservation tips: How to store the Wedding Dress?

 Wedding dress preservation is something which everyone does with care. Every cute bride wants their dress to be preserved for long for cherishing their memories of the big day. But they fail to forget that it is their responsibility to maintain and preserve their dress safely. Many think that once you have got your wedding dress preserved, their duty is over. But it is not true. It is only the beginning of their roles to perform as keeping the wedding dress in a safe place is as important as wedding dress preservation .  No direct sunlight Once the wedding dress has been properly cleaned, it's your responsibility to store it safe. You should protect your gown from direct sunlight, and always keep it in a cool place.  Direct sunlight will cause color fading. Your dress may lose its charm if it loses the original color.  So keep it safe and away from direct sunlight. Safe in a box Keep it safe in a box. Storing it in a box is always a good idea as it will help your dress last long.

How to Dry Clean and Preserve Wedding Gowns – Tips and Tricks

 If you want your wedding gown to remain beautiful throughout then dry cleaning and preserving it is very critical. Most of the brides hang on to their wedding dresses because it signifies celebrations, happiness, and lots of love.  Wedding dresses or gowns are normally elaborately designed and very delicate hence they cannot be washed like any other normal dresses. In case one does not preserve their wedding gowns then it might end up in:  • Fabric yellowing  • Spots of brown oxidation  • Growth of mold and mildew  • Creasing of fabric permanently So how to preserve after your wedding your beautiful gowns – read the following tips and tricks: Preserve your dress safely  In case you are not straight away sending your wedding gown to dry clean then follow the below-mentioned steps to keep it safe: • Use an apparel bag When you want to store your wedding gown then use an apparel bag to preserve it and then put the bag away from light. • Hang properly or lay it flat If your br

Wedding Dress Preservation: What Is The Cost For It? How to Store A Preserved Wedding Gown?

 Wedding gown, being the most important dress that has some emotional attachments to the bride, needs to be preserved at any costs. Well, that sounds exaggerated and I am sure nobody will go for it if the costs are too high. So here we check out the actual cost for wedding dress preservation and how you should keep your preserved dress. Wedding dress preservation Costs What is the actual cost for wedding dress preservation ? It depends on a number of factors like the amount of damage of the dress and the type of cloth and materials used, among others. The costs also can shoot up depending on the design as well. Like if your dress has different layers, and then the costs are likely to go up. In normal conditions, the costs fall between USD 200 to 250 but can go up to USD $2000 to $2500, based the level of intricacy of the gown. It is one of the most important factors that determine the actual cost of preservation. Choosing the right preservation company is also important here. You shoul

Dry Cleaning a Wedding Dress: How Good an Option is that? What Are the Costs?

 What will you do with your wedding dress once the big day is over? Many sell their dress or alter them to use as something else. Wedding dress preservation is so costly that many of them do not wish to go for it. So for many of you, dry cleaning wedding dress remains the only option. But before we give our wedding gown for dry cleaning, we need to know how far this method is useful and practical. It is also important to note down how long a dry cleaned dress will last. I admit that dry cleaning is, probably, the most affordable way to prepare your wedding dress. Still, how does it affect your cloth or the costs are something which we are all concerned about it. Let’s have a quick look at the costs and duration it takes for dry cleaning your favorite dress. So, let’s get started. Dry cleaning Costs? Though this is one of the cheapest and most affordable forms, people still require knowing how much it costs.  How many days for dry cleaning? Well, dry cleaning is a simple process and it